Sub Surface Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is the most advanced and the most efficient of all irrigation methods. However, its exceptional capabilities cannot be effectively implemented if the user is not familiar with the related knowledge and does not implement it in the current operation and maintenance of the drip irrigation system.

Irrigation  Sub Surface Drip 2

A drip tape is installed at row spacing between 0.8m-1.2m approx 250-350mm underground just below the plant root zone. A low flow rate emitter slowly applies water into the root zone and the capillary action of the soil helps and draws the water up and across the soil structure.

Sub Surface Drip Irrigation Features

Sub surface drip can be installed on any crop or pasture based system. Careful consultation and analysis of the soil profile is required to determine the suitability of sub surface drip. The soil analysis also helps to choose the correct row and emitter spacing. This is to make sure the system is designed to the best cost and water use efficiency.

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